Application & Windows Errors
Error: Windows couldn’t complete the requested changes. Error Code 0x800F0954
Installation of .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) fails.
Error: The SMTP Server requires a secure connection
LT1 failing to email jobs can be caused by incorrectly entering the email address or not using a valid App Password.
Error: Please set up the default output folder for exports
LT3 requires the user to set a default output folder for exports the first time it is opened.
Error: The tag present in the reparse point buffer is invalid
OneDrive prevents LT1 to open jobs due to configuration.
Error: Angle measurement error, please try again or call if the issue persists.
Error referencing angle measurements while measuring.
Error: App installation failed…because this package is not compatible with the device.
Installation of LT3 fails due to Windows version (build) is below the minimum requirements.
Error: 535 5.7.139 Client not authenticated to send email
Email authentication error.
Error: Could not load the following Machine/User/Email settings
Error upon first time running LT1 after installation.
Error: Could not load file or assembly ‘TD_Mgd_4.02_11.DLL’ or one of its dependencies
Error: Could not load file or assembly ‘TD_Mgd_4.02_11.DLL’ or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found.
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