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Error: App installation failed…because this package is not compatible with the device.


While installing LT3, the following error appears

					App installation failed with error message: 
Windows cannot install package c9769af5-82f6-477d-bba2-6c296de89f6c_3.2.1426.0_x64__9pbmgk3ye29w4 because this package is not compatible with the device. 
The package requires OS version 10.0.19041.0 or higher on the Windows.Universal device family. 
The device is currently running OS version 10.0.18363.2212. (0x80073cfd)



This error is the result of the current version of Windows being lower than the minimum version to install LT3. 

In the specific example of the error above, the PC is running Windows 10 Build 18363 and is required to be on Windows 10 Build 19041 or higher.


Update the current version of Windows to the minimum required version. 

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